Federal law prohibits housing discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, family status, or disability. If you have been trying to buy a home or rent an apartment and you believe your housing resources rights have been violated, or if you feel your renter's rights or right to fair housing have been denied, you can file a fair housing complaint.
If you think your Fair Housing Rights have been violated, you can file a complaint with the Texas Workforce Commission’s Civil Rights Division, or the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
The Texas Workforce Commission ("TWC") is the entity responsible for enforcing the Fair Housing Act in the State of Texas. You have one year after an alleged violation to file a complaint, but you should file it as soon as possible. The following information will be requested:
Complaints can be filed by email, fax, hand delivery, online, or mail:
Texas Workforce Commission
Civil Rights Division
1117 Trinity Street, Room 144-T
Austin, Texas 78701
(888) 452-4778 or (512) 463-2642
TTY: 512-371-7473
Fax: 512-463-2643
To file an online complaint with the Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD"), or to access the HUD complaint form in Spanish, Arabic, Cambodian, Chinese, Korean, Russian, or Vietnamese, visit the HUD FHEO page (hud.gov) or contact the Local HUD Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity ("FHEO") office in the State of Texas:
Fort Worth Regional Office of FHEO
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
801 Cherry Street, Unit #45
Suite 2500
Fort Worth, Texas 76102
(817) 978-5900
(800) 669-9777
TTY (817) 978-5595